CJ-300 Current Issues in Criminal Justice

This course introduces students to contemporary issues affecting the criminal justice system. Topics will vary according to current events and may range from gun control and prison violence, to police corruption, racial profiling, and other issues affecting communities. Students, working individually or in groups, present their research findings in both oral and written formats.



Junior Standing

CJ-301 Homeland Security & Counterterrorism

This course is a comprehensive examination of domestic and foreign terrorist threats and the governmental responses to those threats. Students learn about the recent history of attacks against United States of America, the formation of the Department of Homeland Security, its functions, and the Patriot Act. Terrorist organizations, threat assessment, and intelligence agency activities are examined. Joint efforts of the role of government and private sector in the fight against terrorism are explored. Case studies and best practices are reviewed.




CJ-305 Drugs in America

This course examines the history of illegal drug activity in the United States and its impact on the nation's economy, health system, and criminal justice system. Students learn about the National Drug Policy, the national war on drugs, the international drug trade, and current law enforcement tactics. Drug user profiles, current treatment modalities, and new treatment strategies are also explored.




CJ-307 Forensic Applications in Criminal Investigation

This course is an introduction to the application of the scientific method and the principles of contemporary science to criminal investigation. Students explore how forensic experts apply scientific principles and methods to the analysis, identification and classification of physical evidence in criminal cases.




CJ-311 Organized Crime and Gangs

This course offers a historical and contemporary analysis of organized crime and gangs in America, exploring their origins, components, structures, and activities. Topics include the traditional and emerging organized crime groups, current gang organization, structure and the influences to form gangs and organized crime groups, as well as the impact of the organized criminal activities on American social, economic, and political life. 



CJ-101; LA-102

CJ-312 Domestic Violence

This course examines domestic violence, its causes, and its effects on society. Students explore issues related to domestic violence, intimate partner violence, the cycle of violence, as well as intervention techniques. Using case studies, students also explore the culture and legal concepts associated with domestic violence.




CJ-317 Forensics Applied to Computer Investigations

This course examines the use of computers to commit crimes including identity theft, hacking, online auction fraud (EBAY, Craig's List), credit card fraud, and child pornography. The focus of this course is the unlawful use of the computer, computer programs and software to facilitate crimes initiated on the Internet. The course explores forensic examination of computers and computer programs for the recovery of evidence.




CJ-320 Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

This course examines current issues of race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, and religion as they affect the criminal justice system. The myths and realities of criminality and victimization are addressed, as well as the impact of these issues on the internal structure and operational practices of the criminal justice system. Special emphasis is placed on police and correctional services.




CJ-324 Principles of Disaster Management

This course is an introduction to the theories, principles, and practices of disaster management with an emphasis on the roles and functions of key governmental agencies in natural and man-made disasters. It explains emergency planning and preparedness, mitigation, disaster management in the private sector, response and recovery, and interagency cooperation. Relevant case studies and legal issues are examined.



Junior Standing

CJ-325 Homicide Investigation

This advanced course in criminal investigation integrates and expands concepts introduced in Criminal Investigation and Criminal Procedure. Students examine homicide investigations from the crime scene through the prosecution process. Specific topics include crime scene processing, forensic examinations, interviewing and interrogation, identification procedures, investigative planning, documentation and report writing, search and seizure issues, court preparation, and testimony.




CJ-326 Sex Crimes

This advanced course in criminal investigation focuses on the investigation and prosecution of sexual abuse crimes. Students examine the investigative process from the crime scene through the judicial process. Specific topics include crime scene processing, forensic examination, scientific evidence, and interview techniques of victims of sex crimes. The course focuses on the psychological effects of victimization, and the care and treatment of victims. The pathology of sexual offenders, identification procedures, relevant legal issues, investigative planning, court preparation, and testimony are also addressed.




CJ-327 Crime Scene Management

This course is an introduction to the appropriate processing of crime scenes including securing the scene, evidence collection, integrity and the interpretation of evidence. Blood stain pattern analysis, injury patterns, patent friction ridge imprints, DNA laden substratum, and tool-mark impressions, and other forensic evidence are discussed.



CJ-329 Forensic Psychology and Serial Offenders

This course is an introduction to various areas of forensic psychology and how forensic psychologists contribute to the legal system. Students are introduced to the methods used by forensic psychologists to explain behavior. This course examines the aspects of clinical, neurological, and counseling psychology. Special attention is paid to serial offenders and what motivates their behaviors.



LA-108; LA-242; Junior Standing

CJ-350 Research Methods in Criminal Justice

This course is an introduction to the standard social science research designs and methodologies as they apply to criminal justice. The interpretation and uses of scientific data in criminal justice, the analysis of research results regarding crime data, offenders, crime patterns, and related issues are addressed. Topics include introduction to the scientific method, the development of hypothesis and research questions, research design, basic research techniques, sampling, reliability and validity, and the evaluation of findings. Standard surveying techniques are emphasized. Students develop original research projects.



MA-135 or MA-145; CJ-300

CJ-390 Field Experience in Criminal Justice II

This course exposes students to criminal justice positions that require a bachelors degree for entry-level employment. Students spend a minimum of 100 hours over the course of the semester in a field placement suitable to their career interests, under the guidance of their course instructor and the supervision of the agency’s representative. Placements may include positions in federal law enforcement agencies, U.S. Probation Department, the New York City and New York State Department of Investigations, prosecutors' offices at the county and federal levels, United Nation's Security Services, counseling and case management in correctional facilities, courts, probation services, and similar agencies. Students meet periodically with the instructor to assess progress, share individual experiences, and develop skills necessary for finding and obtaining employment. This course is required for all bachelors level students.



CJ-290 or CJ-292

CJ-395 Corporate Internship

This course provides students with the opportunity to apply skills learned in the classroom to a corporate experience. Students prepare for their professional career, gaining practical experience while being immersed in a corporate setting. Students are required to complete 320 hours at a corporate internship setting.



Junior Standing and approval of the Dean.