FA-302 Principles of Finance

This course provides an introduction to the basic principles of finance. The time value of money, financial statement analysis, and debt and equity instruments are all considered along with other important concepts. Students gain insight into the role of finance in the world of business and the role of the financial managers in an organization.



AC-161; EC-201

FA-304 Money and Banking

In this course, students study the nature of money, its functions, and role in economic life as well as banking, and monetary principles and practices. The course also includes the powers and functions of the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, its impact on economic activity, and the dynamics of a rapidly changing banking system.




FA-305 Corporate Finance

This course provides students with the techniques for analyzing the recent innovations in the Capital Markets along with the proven theories and foundations of Corporate Finance. Corporate sources and uses of funds are extensively examined with consideration of the most economical means of financing Capital Formation and the financial techniques of selecting assets. Particular attention is given to Capital Structure, Cost of Capital, Management of Cash, Receivables and Inventories; selection of Sources of Funds and Dividend Policy.




FA-308 Financial Management

This course provides students with an understanding of the financial decisions that continuously confront managers as well as the basic financial tools that are available for solving financial problems. This course emphasizes financial analysis of equity financing, short-term and long-term debt financing, and efficient asset management. The theory pertaining to capital budgeting, valuation of assets, capital structure, and timely financial decisions is also introduced.



EC-201; FA-302

FA-310 Investment Analysis

This course provides the student with methodologies for general analysis of various types of securities, valuation tests for common stocks and bonds, investment management, the security markets, and money markets. Various practices and instruments used for investment in financial markets are introduced. The basic principles of investing in capital markets and stock evaluation are also set forth.




FA-320 Quantitative Analysis and Forecasting

This course employs a quantitative/analytical approach to determine the relative valuation of individual investments. Topics explored include evaluation of investment performance, the impact of psychology on security price fluctuations, economic forces affecting security price movements, financial forces affecting security price movements, the role of sources of long-term financing, and potential merger opportunities to enhance capital structure.



EC-203; FA-302

FA-361 International Finance

This course explores the financial decisions of businesses with foreign subsidiaries, foreign affiliates, and multinational businesses. The advantages and risks relative to foreign exchange transactions are examined. Other topics include reasons for foreign operations and investments, problems of multinational businesses, influence of devaluation of currencies, inflation and the effects of the value of the U.S. dollar against foreign currencies, international banking operations, the collapse of the gold standard, and government methods to encourage exports.



FA-305; FA-308; AC-215