NS-126 Medical Surgical and Transitional Nursing
This course concentrates on the needs of patients in a variety of healthcare settings for students to provide safe, quality nursing care. Course content is applied to both simulated and actual patient situations. The course continues with major medical surgical concepts that address conditions/needs of adults and the elderly with an emphasis on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) core competencies to enhance critical thinking. The focus is on the individual as a patient within the context of the family and community and the importance of health promotion. Identification of cultural and spiritual factors that affect the health and recovery of the patient and implementation of interventions to adapt care to provide culturally competent nursing care is integrated into the class and clinical components of the course. Psychological aspects and their relationships to physiological processes and disease are explored. Nursing care for individuals with alterations in health that affect the cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, and male/female reproductive systems are covered with an emphasis on health teaching and quality improvement. Current trends, ethical concerns, and interprofessional healthcare team collaboration are examined within the scope of practice of the LPN. Preparation for entry into practice and the job market are discussed.