EN-305 Advanced Business Writing

Accurate written and oral communication in all kinds of professional contexts saves organizations time and money, and promotes goodwill. This is an advanced professional-technical writing and communication course that focuses on the further development, refinement, and sharpening of skills previously introduced in EN-205. The course is based on the premise that sounding professional means using a simple, concise style and making the communication worth reading. Topics taught include: audience analysis; research methods; questionnaire and survey preparation; data collection, interpretation, and documentation; and composition of reports in special formats. Students are encouraged to relate course materials to their major programs and summarize and analyze case studies in those areas. Students research and prepare an in-depth proposal that relates to their majors using primary and/or secondary data. Collaboration is crucial for today's professional. This requires strong listening and interpersonal skills. Students research, prepare, and deliver an oral group presentation that incorporates visual material. 





