Refund Policy

Cancellation Prior to Start of Classes

There is no financial liability for students who withdraw prior to the beginning of classes with the exception of:

1) Non-refundable Admissions Fee (charged to all first-time freshmen and re-admit students)

2) Non-refundable Housing fee .

3) Any incurred bookstore liability.

Withdrawal from College after Start of Classes

Official Withdrawal: The date of determination of a student’s withdrawal is based on the date that the College is provided with “official” notice of withdrawal. Official notice occurs when the appropriate Student Services Office or a College official is notified of the student's intent to withdraw. Notification can be:

1. In person
2. By telephone
3. By letter
4. By email
5. By fax

The actual date of withdrawal for Return to Title IV (R2T4) purposes is based on the best available academic information. See section on Retention of Financial Aid as a Result of Withdrawal.

The College strongly recommends an in-person visit so that withdrawal can be expedited. One-on-one counseling is provided which results in students being well informed regarding all the ramifications of their specific withdrawal which may include a delay in graduation, potential financial liability and/or potential loss of future financial aid due to academic pursuit requirements.

Unofficial Withdrawal: An unofficial withdrawal takes place when a student does not provide the College with official notification. In such cases, the date of withdrawal is based on the best available academic record. Withdrawal dates for students who did not notify the College due to circumstances beyond their control are given special consideration for an earlier withdrawal date based on appropriate third party documentation of their circumstances.

Financial Responsibilities for Both Official and Unofficial Withdrawals

If a student withdraws or is dismissed after classes begin, he/she is responsible for the administrative fee, actual bookstore charges, and a percentage of tuition as shown on the following chart: (See additional charts for Housing and Meal Plan cost adjustments as a result of withdrawing from the College.)

Withdrawal Date Amount of Tuition Liability
During the 1st week


During the 2nd week 30%
During the 3rd week 50%
During the 4th week 60%
During the 5th week 70%
During the 6th week 75%
During the 7th week 75%
During the 8th week 80%
During the 9th week and after 100%

Students who do not officially withdraw from the college by the twelfth week of the semester receive grades submitted by the faculty.

Students who withdraw or are administratively withdrawn from the college must satisfy all financial obligations with the Bursar.

If a student drops an individual course(s) after the add/drop period and remains enrolled in the college, he/she will be responsible for 100% of the cost for each course dropped.

If the student withdraws from the remaining courses at a later date, which results in complete withdrawal from the college, the college’s refund/withdrawal policy will be applied to those courses. 


Separate withdrawal and tuition liability charts for modules are prepared by the Bursar's Office at the beginning of each semester, based on the unique dates associated with each module.

Housing and Meal Plan Refund Policy

Refunds are processed only after the withdrawal and move-out procedures have been completed. Students who are administratively terminated from housing for violating College and Residence Life policies are not eligible for a refund.

If a student withdraws from the College or decides to move out of the dorm during the semester, the student’s liability is as follows:

During the 1st week 15%
During the 2nd week 15%
During the 3rd week 50%
During the 4th week 50%
During the 5th week or after 100%

Meal Plan

The meal plan refund policy for students who withdraw from the College during the semester is the same as the housing refund policy. The refund policy for students who decide to drop their meal plan during the semester is the same as the tuition refund schedule for students who withdraw during the term. However, the student is liable for the higher of the actual amount used or the refund policy amount.  Unused funds related to the meal plan during the semester are not refundable if the student has not withdrawn from the College.