Code of Conduct and Community Standards

Upon acceptance and registration, all students become voluntary members of the academic community that values respect and accomplishment. Students' initial and continued participation in this community is dependent upon an understanding not only of their rights and privileges, but of their responsibilities as well.


Enrollment at Monroe College, therefore, assumes an agreement by each student to comply with basic expectations that sustain an environment characterized by civility and conducive to learning, and to abide by the laws of the City and State of New York and the United States.

Violations of Monroe College community standards, this Code of Conduct, regulations, and laws are subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including expulsion, and if necessary, to notify civil authorities.

The following behaviors are explicitly prohibited:

1. Falsification of information to the college through forgery, alteration, or intentional misuse of college documents, records or identification;

2. Theft of, or damage to, property;

3. Gambling in any form;

4. Attendance in any class, or college-sponsored function, under the influence of alcoholic beverages, or narcotics and illegal drugs, or the unauthorized possession and/or sale of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or illegal drugs on the college campus;

5. Smoking in any college facility;

6. Physical or verbal abuse of any other member of the College community or campus guest;

7. Failure to show proper I.D. to college employees acting in the performance of their duties;

8. Failure to comply with reasonable requests or instructions from faculty or administrative personnel, even if the student disagrees with them.

Additionally, students are expected to adhere to the following community standards:

9. Obtain prior consent of the administration before using classrooms or other facilities;

10. Avoid disruptive conduct, excessive noise, and cell phone use, in or near classrooms that prevents instructors from performing their functions;

11. Respect the rights of other members of the college community;

12. Respect the procedures and requirements of libraries, learning centers and administrative offices;

13. Refrain from any act that interferes with normal operation of the college;

14. Refrain from using any unauthorized electronic devices during class sessions;

15. Obtain appropriate approval from bringing Visitors and guests and assure that they are aware of Monroe's community standards. In addition to this Code of Conduct, students are expected to understand and comply with the Monroe College Code of Academic and Scholarly Integrity previously described in the section on Academic Policies.