Maketing and Strategic Planning in Health Care

This course focuses on the strategic planning and marketing processes of health care institutions.  Students learn to apply a market-oriented perspective to the analysis of environmental factors and organizational resources, to formulate collective business goals, and design customer driven marketing that achieves a sustainable competitive advantage.  The course emphasizes critical thinking skills by concentrating on the use of marketing case studies.  Topics include health consumer behavior, clinical staff needs, environmental analysis, product pricing, advertising, and new product development.

Continuous Quality Improvement in Health Care

This course provides students with the tools they need to improve the quality of health care across the spectrum of institutions, by applying systematic measures to identify opportunities for improvement, implement change, and assess outcomes. This course provides the theoretical framework and the practical skills to understand the processes under the auspices of quality improvement and real-world examples.

Integrative Capstone Experience

This course, taken in the final semester, integrates and synthesizes the information acquired from the prior courses, to design, execute, and present a scholarly project that presents a solution to an actual health care delivery issue.  The course incorporates and enhances student learning in several different areas:  content, key process skills including project management and teamwork, and methods of gathering, analyzing, and reporting data.